Brookside Counseling
Candace Daniels, LMSW

Benefits & Methods of Deep Breathing
It is widely accepted that a habit of breathing long, slow, deep breaths has a beneficial effect on the body, including:
decreased production of release of cortisol, the stress hormone
reduced perception of emotion stress
lowered blood pressure
slower heart rate
improved sleep
increased capacity to deal with depression and anxiety
increased ability to remain calm during crises
relaxed muscles and reduction of tension held in the body
release of repetitive thoughts
easier ability to meditate
As a tool used in individual and couples counseling, deep breathing helps you remain grounded and fearless in asking for what you need in relationships, and able to take in information without over-reacting or reflexively judging the other person's intention.

A Step by Step Guide for Deep Breathing
Close your eyes so that you can focus entirely on the sensations of breathing
Inhale while slowly, mentally, counting to 4
Pay attention to how your lungs and belly feel as they fill with air
Exhale while slowly, mentally counting to 4
Pay attention how your body relaxes as air is expelled
Inhale again to the count of 4
Imagine drawing energy up from earth as you breathe in
Exhale to the count of 4
Image releasing energy back down into the earth as you breathe out
Repeat these steps, increasing the counts from 4 to 6 and beyond as comfortable
Advanced Therapeutic Breathing
Begin with the basic steps as outlined above
After step 9 above, on the next long slow deep inhale, imagine breathing in the strongest sense of love you can imagine or have ever felt
On the next long slow deep exhale, imagine breathing out all the care and compassion you have for the people most important to you